jueves, 18 de mayo de 2017

Day 3 .
Daily Report : Cuarto B .
MÚSICA: Hoy trabajamos con la canción “Ay si, si ” aumentando la velocidad y empezamos a ver las notas de la canción “Despacito”
C.PAZ: Terminamos el tema “ Todos somos diferentes”.
·         TEACHER JUAN CARLOS COPETE: Today we practiced Listening skill; listened and repeated, wrote and spelled. NOTA: Les compartimos el vínculo de la lista de las palabras para nuestra preparación del Examen Flyers® https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5Jty4I7H-G7NFVGZzctWmgzWnM/view esta lista será trabajada progresivamente en clase.
·         TEACHER JULIAN: Today we checked pages 49, and 50; we did a workshop about telling the time; also we practice Unit 4 vocabulary. NOTE: Next class quiz about telling the time (past/to).
·         TEACHER JHON:   Today we learnt about the zero conditional and how we can use it in a conversation. The students practiced many exercises with it.
·         TEACHER LEYDY: We practiced grammar through exercises in the workbook.
Thank you
Primary teachers and Coordination

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