viernes, 3 de noviembre de 2017

Day 3 .
Daily Report : Cuarto B .
MUSICA: Hoy realizamos ensayo general de la presentación de la clausura.
PAZ C.C.: Trabajamos en el tema sobre “La igualdad”
ü  School spaces vocabulary.
ü  Future Will/Won’t
ü  Need to/ Don’t need to
ü  Egyptian Vocabulary
ü  Past Passive
ü  Present Perfect with Yet and Already
ü  Which, who and where
ü  Present perfect with for and since
ü  Could/Couldn’t
ü  La evaluación procedimental se evaluará a través del Listening Part
·         TEACHER PILAR: We did the oral test (irregular verbs) and reviewed Unit 4 (listening skills-audio activities).  NOTE: Topics of the final evaluation: prepositions of time (AT, IN, ON), past simple and past continuous sentences (Unit 3 and 4 vocabulary and topics related).
·         TEACHER JULIAN: Today we reviewed the topics for the 4th period final evaluation.
ü  Questions, grammar coherence
ü  Past simple
ü  The time
ü  Ordinal numbers
ü  Made of/used for
ü  Possessive apostrophes
ü  Vocabulary Unit 1-7
·         TEACHER JHON: Today we had a class where we reviewed the topics of the final exam. The students also practiced speaking doing a personal and someone else presentation.
·         TEACHER LEYDY: Students practiced grammar and completed some activities in the workbook.
NATURALES: Trabajamos sobre las características de los planetas internos y externos del Sistema solar.
Thank you

Primary teachers and Coordination

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